
Well, this is me -yeah I'm quite sure about that!

A blue heart I found this site when I, after I'd read the 5 "hitchhikers"-novels, was in frenzy of enthusiasm, and was surfing on the net, looking for more information about Douglas Adams and his novels. When I found this site I did immediately created a membership and in the next couple of weeks everything was fine... (well apart from me being lost in all those entries!) But then a question turned up. I couldn't ignore it. I needed to know the reason why I was hanging around on this site. But it seemed as there was no point, no reason and no answer! It's was quite despressing and all my joy disappeared. I did no longer visit the site. But then one day I realised that there was an answer. It was simple and it maked sense. I realised that my question was one of those questions where the only answer is 42! Of course! I was relieved, that conclution satisfied my need for meaning and purpose, and I could again go visit the site. So now I back, I found my way through the darkness! Thank you Douglas Adams!

So now... who am I? That's also a very good question, which I now will try to answer! I'm a 15 years-old girl, living in this grey and boring suburb outside Copenhagen, you know... the capital of Denmark! Right...! But this year I'm living on this school... oh, I don't know what it's called in english... (wait a moment -the dictionary!)... okay, that was quite long! The dictionary says: Lower-secondary-level-boarding-school-for-14-17-year-olds ...!... In danish it's just efterskole :) Now, but that's where I live, for another couple of month, then I will be home again. So... when I have nothing else to do I'm eating raisin, reading books, taking footbaths, drawing or watching a good movie... or a bad, that happens! I really dislike to watch a bad movie... and the problem is, that I just can't turn the TV off... it's like a bad curse, I have to sit all night, watching this stupid film! Hope that someone will find a cure! But apart from bad films i also dislike lumps in my toothpaste, when people are talking in the cinema, when I've taked out a book from the library, and then I, while reading it, am finding a bogey-like stain on page 7, and then I also dislike boiled potatoes with this unboiled hard core!

A red dragon Then I'm member of The Nordic Researchers Club and Moon Moaners

I can be mailed at Elenwe_h2g2@hotmail.com

So, this is it, that was all... leave a message

Oh, and by the way I've also got 42!
I think that will be 42!


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