Calling Dire Straits Fans......Is There Anybody Home?

12 Conversations

The headstock of a guitar

As any self respecting Hitchhiker fan should be aware, and no doubt IS aware, Dire Straits had a very important role to play in Arthur Dent's life when he returned to Earth after his 8 year absence.

The romance between Arthur and Fenchurch had a bit of help from the band. If you don't believe me - read it for yourself in that wholey remarkable, and increasingly inaccurately named, trilogy that is "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy".

A classical guitar

However, the vital role Dire Straits played in the lives of Arthur and Fenchurch may not have the recognition that it deserves.

Fan Club Badge!!

Here's the Dire Straits Fan Club Badge:

A starry electric guitar
I'm in the Dire Straits Fan Club!!

If you'd like it for your space, or would like to post your comments,go to this thread. (Badge may be updated.)

Fan Club Members

We're a small fan club (so far!). Here we are (in no particular order):

smiley - biggrinwildamethyst
smiley - biggrinsarah_rubyred
smiley - biggrinvodiodo
smiley - biggrinGeneral Arisztid Lugosi of SMP - Some people make my life worth living - Master of the Points! - Gone till the 23rd of July. Hug
smiley - biggrinlil ol' me ACE ... (She's back.. no, yes.. no... Yes! VV is definitely back!!)
smiley - biggrinKaz.... Travellin' in Style...
smiley - biggrinMaster B - I've got a bug, but I'm
smiley - biggrinMerlin
smiley - biggrinvmuppana
smiley - biggrinbubblestattoo
smiley - biggrinBr. Roymondo. D.Perv, one of 2 Rs.
smiley - biggrinNot panicing yet

Men carrying musical notes climbing a ladder to a musical staff against a moonlit background

If you'd like your name to appear here, go to this thread and say hello.

Interesting Links

The Mark Knoffler Homepage

The Unofficial Mark Knoffler and Dire Straits Website

A vinyl<br/>

Guitar Stuff and Song Lyrics for Dire Straits songs.

Romeo and Juliet

Special Links

Money For Nothing are a Dire Straits tribute band. Friends of our very own sarah_rubyred, they are greatly recommemded.

Here's the link to their gig diary.

Master B - I've got a bug, but I'm has given permission for this link to be here. His website contains a MIDI Private Investigations. Hope you enjoy!

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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