The Union of Fish

16 Conversations

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Unions, Unions...

Like the good old "Workers Unions" of the 70's you'd have thought the idea of getting together to unite against a common foe or difficulty would have been killed off by the Thatcherite Dictatorship...
smiley - bluefish
But No! There are still Fish out there who need protection from the greedy smiley - shark sharks of these waters, and poor little smiley - schooloffish salmon being forced from their homes!
So, We strive on, for the greater good of all Fish alike. Alone we are but a single Fish in a vast and unfriendly ocean... But together we can become far greater than any oppressor we face...

Current Campaigns...

Nothing at the moment, but as soon as something hit's our desks we'll be sure to let you all know... smiley - smiley
Due to the New Alabasta skin all the Fish are lacking that certain deep bluieness that all fish need! And as such, look as if they're drowning...

So some rather nice people have setup a campaign to Save the Fish. Go and give your support.

Safe Places for Fish to Swim

Here is a list of places on H2G2 that are safe for fish to swim in :

Members Needed!

Are you a Fish who would like to help out your fellow Fish "brothers" then join the Union!smiley - smiley

Don't worry there is NO fees involved here all we'd like is your continuing support and loyalty.

Current List of Union Members

Aquatic Members:nonAquatic Members:

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