York Dungeons

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A York street.

I and some people in my class got the chance to go to York for the day; well the whole class did. We were allowed to go shopping, then go places, and after lunch we got to go to York Dungeons. I couldn't say no! So yesterday I and some of my class (people who weren't scared to go) and some of the other class got on a coach outside of school and we set off for York at 9 minutes past 9! It took about an hour and half to get there. I was sat next to Sam, my friend (not boyfriend as Heather thought he was), and we were behind my best friends Hollie and Aymee. When we got to York we went round some shops with the teachers. When we got to The Shambles we were allowed to go shopping on our own. We had half an hour, then we had to meet the teachers at the end of the street. I bought Cheeky Monkey a chocolate duck, Mum some chocolate buttons (they were in an expensive bag and a little more expensive than Cadbury's buttons) and I got dad some Edinburgh shortbread. I didn't have enough money for myself after that (hehe) but I didn't mind because I was going to have a scare in York Dungeons!

After lunch we all split up; boys with the male teacher and girls with the female teacher, we were going in. We had to wait for the boys to get ahead of us a little bit, so some people got glow sticks from the lady at the counter. Then we had to wait outside the surgery. A lady came to us and made us jump, and we all screamed! IT WAS SCARY. She picked me out of the whole 11 of us and said:

'Right you have got the plague, you will be alright near this dead man'. He had just died of the plague as well, and so she said:
"Do you want to pull back the cover?" So I said:'No', but I had to anyway!

So I did, and it was disgusting: he was ripped open and she pulled his guts out! And then we had to go to the court room (there were other rooms but I can't really remember them). The judge was talking about how naughty some people were and he picked me!!! I had to go up in the dock and stand there. He was saying how I had been stood near the Minister and flicked bogies at him! I was found guilty and he made everyone boo at me! Then we were going into other rooms, they were all really scary but a great laugh! At the end we were in this room, there was a man talking but you couldn't see him because it was pitch black. We found out this was Dick Turpin. I and my friend were holding hands we were that scared! Then he appeared, he was hanging on a piece of rope, then the benches tipped and I fell off. This woman came up to me and stood there and I looked up and screamed! She was the dead man's wife and it was soo scary! Then we got lead out. There were other scary bits, but if people want to know, just tell me!!

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