Surreal Poem: Sonnet on Subliminal Sublimity

1 Conversation

The Alternative Writing Workshop continues to throw up wonders. Lately, it was surreal poetry. You can enjoy an example of the same by Willem elsewhere in this issue.

Willem pointed out that 'the mind will try to perceive meaning in anything…' I agree.

A long time ago, I wrote a poem on the subject. It was based on random events that had happened that week. I thought I'd share it with you here as part of the surreal discussion. – DG

A man walks past a pond in a park. There are ducks on the pond. The man and the birds are all constructed from tangrams.

Sonnet on Subliminal Sublimity

There's a pentagram upon my ashtray
And the stars are turning slightly blue,
I'm not certain, but these signs may
Mean my dreams at last are coming true.
There's a bone inside my chicken sandwich
Osteomantically like a moon,
Tells me somewhere in the night's a man which
Holds the key to changes coming soon.
There's an aura o'er my cup of coffee
Speaks to me of transubstantiations.
Licence numbers point to symbols lofty.
Songs arrive in code from FM stations.
Signs and wonders: all the mundane chorus
Claims that there are mysteries before us.

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

23.01.12 Front Page

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