The Post Quiz: Famous Dogs

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The Post Quiz: Famous Dogs

The Edinburgh statue of the loyal dog known as Greyfriars Bobby.

'Man's best friend', some call him. I think most women would agree, as well. Dogs are cool. Okay, the cats tend to disagree. But cats disagree with you on principle. We'll give them their own quiz sometime. In the meantime, test your knowledge of canine history.

Short answers.

  1. What unusual trick could Hitler's dog Blondi perform?
  2. At what event did King Edward VII's dog Caesar affect court protocol?
  3. What famous dog has a statue in Washington, DC?
  4. What did Sarah Bernhardt name her dog?
  5. What famous dog flew over both the North and South Poles?
  6. Lewis and Clark had a Newfoundland dog named Seaman. What did he do to help provide dinner for the team?
  7. What was the appropriate name of General George S Patton's dog?
  8. Why did New York City dogs Riva and Salty receive medals?
  9. Beauty the wire-haired terrier lived in another dangerous place – London during the Blitz. For what feat was she decorated with an award usually reserved for humans?
  10. What dog's sacrifice made possible 'one small step for a man'?

Did you know them all, or were you barking up the wrong tree? Check your answers by clicking on the picture below.

A Jack Russell terrier.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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