World Home Cooking: Answers

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The secret to successful galactic travel may be to eat junk food. But go on, be adventurous and try some local cuisine.

World Home Cooking: Answers


Sure, it looks odd. So does that peanut butter sandwich you've got wrapped up in your towel.

Some answers. (The ones we found, anyway.)

  1. In Japan, make banana dorayaki by putting bananas and nutella between two pancakes.
  2. Home cooking in China includes marbled tea eggs.
  3. In Brazil, comfort food includes pao de queijo, which is a fancy term for cheese balls.
  4. France doesn't have comfort food? Guess again. Try a croque monsieur, which is ooh-la-la for a grilled cheese sandwich with ham.
  5. In Greece, everybody's favourite home-cooked meal is fasolatha, or bean soup. (There's even a festival.)
  6. Down-home in Denmark? Try boller i karry, which is meatballs in curry sauce.
  7. In South Africa, you can enjoy a barbecue with sosaties, or kebabs.
  8. To make a tasty Mexican taquito, you need a tortilla and some filling.
  9. In England, you crazy people take stale bread and turn it into a sweet pudding.
  10. If you land in the Southern US, the friendly waitress at the Down Home Grill may ask you if you want your grits with butter or milk and sugar.

Just learn the words for 'gluten free' in fifteen languages, and you're good to go.

A dog enjoys his dinner.
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