Escape Pod Dreams - 12

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The New New blob

We did 'love' last week. When's 'slightly bothersome' day?

In which three things must be learned before the tide goes out and doesn't come back...

We, here, at Irritating Potatoe Radius, Your Fido Instead To Aristocrats, have had complaints about the big words we use and an new style book is in the process of being cooked up by the illiterates in the 'Standards' office.

We aren't sure, but we've heard rumors that if the word is likely to be heard on the BBC World Service, than it is unlikely to be heard here.

Another rumour says that we are going to become a Basque station, so no one but the Gendarmes and the Guardia will have any idea what we are saying...

Which, according to the latest standardized tests of school children who can recognize pictograms and fumetti, is about where we are now, only our police have to stoop a bit to understand us...

Anyway, if my wife is listening, I won't be home after work for a couple of days because I will be down at the local Hip-Hop club learning to speak like a real person who is 'keepin' it real'.

Contrary to other rumours, the announcers and writers will not be using this patois on the air, but be avoiding it as much as possible in order to please the older set and prove to the younger that rebellion is a two-way street...

List of subtly veiled threats:

1. 8:57 AM

The Dimwit Zone: Three tries for Tony, a small documentary of his day in court.

Small friendly nurk

3. 9:57 AM

DIY Do's and Don'ts: The art of the hammer, or, wear gloves whenever possible


Small Friendly Nurk's Sister (who knows punctuation like the back of her mother's hand)

5. 11:57 AM

The Homely Homily: This week, Mrs. Emily Ylime, of the Ladies Exemplary Fellowship and Concrete Delivery Service

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

13.02.03 Front Page

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