Oh, hello!

2+(2^5)-(1-(1*9)) = 42 (of course)

The myth of 42.

Enough's enough, at least for now.

I'm sorry to everyone who actually expected me to keep up with my work(yes, both of you), but it doesn't look like I'll be able to continue my research here. If anyone is interested in taking this name/space/content for their own use, contact me at frogitts@hotmail.com

If you're really bored, well, this probably isn't the best place to go, but I'd like you to write a senryu to ease your boredom. Really, it's not that hard. Just reply to my journal.

I like a doughnut
That is juicy and tender
Without the mushrooms

Here's for the Musician's Guild!

Also, I need to write a piece of music for a string orchestra, preferably off of a good 70's or 80's rock piece. I already did 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd, (which is an amazing band) and I'm looking for something new. Ideas would be good. I guess I'm looking for something along the lines of Led Zeppelin, Metallica, etc. so if you're from that era and you know a good song with a good melody, drop me a line.

Join Cello Club!

Ahhh, the nostalgia!

I do a lot of things in my spare time. One of them is nothing. Another thing I do in my spare time is avoid doing things. I guess I write a lot. I'm one of four permanent authors for a local haiku magazine. (Which, I've just learned, is technically a senryu magazine) I also started a local film club, and we're just sending out grants for cameras, etc, so if you know anything about amateur filming on a limited budget, I'd like to hear from you. And, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm going to start a cello club. Why, you ask? Well, the answer, my friend, is very simple. The Cello is the best string instrument there is. (although the guitar comes in at a close second.)

Good question.

Other than those things that I just mentioned I don't know much about, if you need to know something, just drop me a line. I have a lot of connections, so I can probably hook you up with some good info, and I need some topics for articles anyways.

No! My @#!$%% candy!

So, drop in, stay a while, but try not to eat too many of the candies- I like them.


Boys singing Latin phrasesA Mr Potato Head happy morning DJ

Fun on h2g2

Infinite Improbability Drive
The Strange Sayings of Sir Boyle Roche
Tracking my almost-edited entry (Metachromatic Leukodystrophy - The Genetic Disease)
Updated Finnish!
The Pink Floyd Fan Club


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White Hole (Write a Haiku!)

Researcher U225119

Work Edited by h2g2


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